Network News...
Updated 14th June 2024
VMB Gone...

Over the last several days I have been sorting out transfers from ViralMailBlasting to myhits2u as per transfer requests as per previous news. All requested transfers were completed and the site has been completely shut down.

I am currently working on something special, I am hoping to have it launched in the next several days...

Updated 14th May 2024
I am delaying...

I am delaying launching of new sites, and closing down VMB...

Over the last few months, I have lost weeks upon weeks worth of time trying to get ViralMailBlasting working again. I have had numourous fights with the BIG email system to be told that mailers are against there terms of use and they keep blocking my domain.

So I have made the decision to close down ViralMailBlasting so I can continue building the other sites I plan to launch with out the hassle. If you have an account at VMB you have until 1st June to put in a support ticket to move any commissions and or credits to

Hopefully I will have new sites to launch in a cpl / few weeks time, but, I am moving away from running mailers.

Updated 3rd April 2024
Wow, time is just flying bye...

I have been working on several new sites, which will hopefully start to launch probably next week. One will be a rewards system that will reward with cash prizes and have jackpots that will be very rewarding to whoever is lucky enough to win them. Due to this, I am not restarting surfing or reading competitions as my new prize site will replace them. However...

At I have started another $100 referral competition and its now live on the site. The winners of the last competitions can be found on the following pages. Cashouts have started...

Results for the previous contests...

NOTE - The results pages will only work if you are logged into the specific site.

MyHits2u Top Refferer Results HERE
MyHits2u Top Surfer Results HERE


At I am not currently doing any competitions. Cashouts for the finished competitions have started...

Results for the previous contests...

Banner-Textads Top Refferer Results HERE
Banner-Textads Top Surfer Results HERE

At I am not currently doing any competitions. Cashouts for the finished competitions have started...

Results for the previous contests...

ViralMailBlasting Top Refferer Results HERE
ViralMailBlasting Top Surfer Results HERE

Updated 24th February 2024
Issue at

2nd update, something strange is going on, ipn systems are not updating, it looks like paypal ipn systems down or being blocked, also, appears that paypal emails about sales not working / sending. I wonder if google taking the monopoly / blocking domain emails. Maybe they are actually doing it, its been brewing for a while. I will update when i find out more.

At it appears that sending of any emails has stopped by the system. it was reported to me a cpl of days ago that member could not get verify email. I spent all day yesterday trying to figure out why. The system appears to be working as i checked all files related to the mail send system. I am waiting on reply from server host to see if its an issue on the server. However, my thoughts are leaning towards gmails new policies and all email is being blocked. I will update when i have found out for sure what the issue is, until then, its online inbox only.

Updated 14th February 2024
Changes Done..

At As per yesterdays news, I have completed removal of other sizes at bantxt site. If you had impressions assigned to the removed sizes, the credits have been put into your account.

You should login and add 468x60 banners & textads and assign impression credits to them so they start getting displayed throughout my network.


Updated 13th February 2024
Changes to Banner-Textads...

At I am removing the 125, 728 & 600 image sizes. The 468x60 and text ads will be staying as as they are now...

I have decided to completely remove the options to add 125x125, 728x90 & 600x300 size images for the following reasons...

When I first built banner-textads I had plans to display the different sizes in different areas of the sites. The problem has become that they do not get displayed as often, so, they have limited exposure.

Displaying 468x60 and text ads only is going to make things a lot easier and fits more in line with the new sites I am building.

Also, With some members assigning hundreds of thousands of credits to them, it is going to take years for them all to be displayed. But having just 468x60 and text ads only displaying, exposure will be faster with better click thru rates for just the 2 options.

Also, from checking through stats of all sizes, 468x60 and text ads have a lot better click through rate and much more exposure as the 468x60 banners and text ads also rotate in the surf areas.

I expect that with the anti cheat I have set on surf areas, the screen size cannot be shrunk down to just captcha icons so the banners and text ads have to be viewed.

You do not need to do anything, the links will be removed from the menu shortly, and over the next 24hrs, any 125, 728 or 600 images in the system with credits assigned will be removed and assigned credits put back into accounts.

Assigning credits to 468 or text ads will also be removed and credits must be converted to impressions first before assigning them.

As an update in regards to my new sites, I still have lots to do on them, coding is slow going as I am building my own unique filter and tracking system. I will update when they are ready.

Updated 2nd February 2024
$400 Cash in Competitions / 10% Comms changed...

Not long ago I finished changing all the system from piggy bank cash to 10% cash commissions systems.

All the piggy banks got converted into upgrades where requested and credits into accounts then systems got zeroed.

All members now get 10% commissions on any purchases made by referrals, minimum cashout is $10 by paypal or foodgame gold. I will probably add more methods along the way.

I have also started the following competitions that will run until the end of march...

$100 surfing competition at
$100 referral competition at
$50 surfing competition at
$50 referral competition at
$50 reading competition at
$50 referral competition at

Good Luck if you participate in any of the competitions.

I will post some more news next week when I should hopefully have 2 new sites to launch.

Updated 27th January 2024

I have had some questions asking why the change from 100% piggy bank comms to 10% cash commissions. Some members would rather have commission payments rather than piggy bank cash to use. Also, changing to cash commission system means that I can then have referral and surfing competitions which issue cash prizes to members. The change will happen on Wednesday 31st January 2024 further details further down this page.

I am also delaying the 2 new site launches until next weekend. I will post news when closer to launch.

Updated 24th January 2024

In about a weeks time I will be launching 2 new sites, they will be going into beta testing hopefully in a few days time.

Once my new sites have launched, I will be making the following major change at My Hits 2 U, Banner-Textads and ViralMailBlasting... The current piggy bank commissions system will be removed and the sites will change to a 10% commission system for ALL members. If you currently have any piggy bank commissions in any of your accounts. You have until Wednesday 31st January 2024 to let me know how to convert your current piggy bank commissions into either upgrade or credits. If no response before the above date, the system will automatically convert any piggy bank comms to credits and then remove the balance.

Updated 5th January 2024

After having to take some time offline due to illness, I am back up and running and online full time again. For the last few days, i have been working hard and making a lot of changes to My Hits 2 U to get it running better, done some culling and removed a lot of features. I have a plan to launch more sites over the coming weeks / months so stripped features out in steps getting ready.

One of the new sites, which I am hoping to launch in the next several days is a system to track and filter ALL of my online promotions. Once it is up and running, I will be going on a promotional spree. I have lots of credits to assign to the tracking, then rotator systems and have a lot of paid advertising stacked up. The counters gonna explode. Contact me if you wish to know more.